*Rates updated 3 July 2012 (All prices Include 15% VAT)

Calls to South-African Landline Numbers

Local, National and Toll-Free R 0,68 per minute or R 1,21 per page

Calls to Fax to Email numbers

086/087/085 R 1,71 per minute or R 3,02 per page

Fax Calls to Mobile Networks

MTN, Vodacom, Cell C, 8ta R 2,40 per minute or R 4,25 per page

International Rates

FaxFX reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions from time to time without notice. The latest applicable Terms and Conditions for the FaxFX fax delivery service will be published on our web site at https://www.faxfx.net/termsandconditions

Charges are charged per minute or part thereof whether retries, failed attempts or successful delivery of faxes. Quoted rates may be amended without notice - the latest applicable rates will be published here.

Quoted rates include VAT

FaxOut services are only available to registered users of FaxFX Fax to Email or Fax to Email solutions that are+?Powered by FaxFX.

Users of FaxFX FaxOut service are forbidden to use this facility for spam, unsolicited communications, illegal and/or fraudulent communications/transactions or any other action that may be deemed illegal or dishonest and that is in contravention to any applicable South African Laws and/or that may bring the name/brand of this service into disrepute or cause it harm in any other manner whatsoever. Users who are deemed guilty of any of the aforementioned stipulations will be reported to the relevant authorities - Fax Effects (Pty) Ltd t/a FaxFX rights remain strictly reserved.

Direct deposit facilities are available - due to the escalating incidences of fraud, only EFT transfers with corresponding FaxFX system generated references will be accepted. Credits for direct EFT transfers will be affected within 24 hours of FaxFX receiving confirmation of the respective deposits. Credit card purchases are available via a secure payment gateway.

Fax-Out Driver